Scoliosis is a sideways curvature of the spine that can be seen in the back and/or waist regions of the spine, resulting from the rotation of the vertebrae on their own axis.

It can occur alone or together with kyphosis (increased hunchback) (Kyphoscoliosis). 

There are approximately 2.5 million scoliosis patients in Turkey, and the incidence is higher in girls.

Findings such as shoulder height inequality, one-sided height (humpback) in the back and waist area, especially when bending forward, differences in trouser or skirt lengths on both legs, and deformity in the rib cage can sometimes be the first noticeable signs of scoliosis. 

Scoliosis treatment varies depending on the age of onset, growth stage and type of scoliosis. Early diagnosis, correctly planned treatment method and appropriate follow-up are critical for the future of the scoliosis patient. 

Scoliosis, as is known, is a three-dimensional deformity of the spine.

Due to the rotation of the spine on its axis, the back ribs that adhere to these areas become visible and the unilateral shoulder blade also becomes prominent.

This condition  is called rib hump and can be corrected simultaneously with the maneuvers and interventions performed during scoliosis surgery in patients who undergo surgery.

Low Back Pain:

Approximately 80-90% of people complain of back pain at some point in their lives. The frequency of back pain increases after the age of 40 and is more common in women than in men.

It ranks third in health expenditures after cancer and heart diseases.

The most common cause of low back pain is mechanical, which causes pain caused by muscles and ligaments. In hernia-related pain, pain, numbness and tingling radiating to the hip, thigh, leg and foot occur depending on the affected nerve root.

Patients with acute back pain largely recover within 4 weeks and return to their normal lives. If the pain lasts more than 3 months, it is called chronic back pain. It rarely resolves on its own.

The primary treatment for back pain accompanied by a herniated disc is physical therapy, manual therapy, prolotherapy, medication and exercise therapy. In some specific cases, surgery is required.

Neck pain:

It is the second most common musculoskeletal complaint after low back pain. Its frequency increases after the age of 40-50 and is more common in women than in men.

90% of neck pain is mechanical in origin. Among these, degenerative joint disease is one of the leading causes. This is followed by traumas and hernias.

Neck pain, especially due to stress in business life, spreads to the head, shoulders and back, causing pain and loss of work capacity.

In cases of hernia-related pain, there is a complaint of pain, numbness and tingling radiating to the shoulder, arm, forearm and hand. In advanced cases of compression, loss of muscle strength may occur.

The primary treatment for neck pain accompanied by a cervical disc herniation is physical therapy, manual therapy, prolotherapy, medication and exercise therapy. In some specific cases, surgery is required.


Scoliosis can occur in older people as well as in the young population due to structural deterioration. The resulting structural and alignment disorders disrupt the mechanical balance and, as a result, the nerve roots coming out of the spinal cord become compressed at various levels. Complaints vary depending on the compressed area. 

For our patients who do not benefit from physical therapy, manual therapy and other non-surgical treatments, the spinal alignment and balance should be corrected surgically and the nerves should be relieved by loosening the channels through which the nerves exit.

Age is not an obstacle to surgery in patients whose general health status is suitable. 

Prof. Dr. Halil Atmaca
Orthopedics and Traumatology

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